Last Sunday the world stopped for a moment to watch the beautiful game. As an American abroad, getting into soccer/football this summer has actually been pretty cool! Every match - not just the USA matches - has been required viewing, either at the local pubs in Haifa or back at our house in Ramat Eshkol.
Since we were no longer in Haifa for the weekend of the final, the team decided to take cabs into Tel Aviv to watch the match. What better place to see the 2010 World Cup Final than in the country's most party-centric city! After a great dinner - the team migrated to the Paradise Bar - the local Dutch expat bar to watch the game. The mood at the bar (and in the streets surrounding it) was electric. Everywhere you looked, people were gathered around TVs or were standing on whatever they could (cars, benches, etc.) to see the various big screen projectors that had been set up. Some folks in our group found a hole in the wall bar next door to watch the match, while another group (me included) went down the block to a schwarma place to see the game. In the end - the Dutch lost in OT - which was a big disappointment for everyone (me especially) since we'd all been pulling for the boys in orange. That being said, the Spanish played a heck of a game and that final goal was very clutch. Congrats to them.
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