Goodbye Haifa

Friday was relaxed during the day. Mostly it consisted of recovery from the previous evenings shenanigans. That night however we went by taxi to the artist's colony, Ein Hod for drinks and dinner. Our first stop of the evening was at Danny Shlyfestone's Art Bar for some home made beer. Danny - who is quite a character - makes his home brews in giant vats and then bottles them in recycled soda bottles. Really good stuff. 

"The brewmaster, Danny Shlyfestone, in his natural habitat"
Photo by Nadav Bloch

Our next stop was to the Argentinian steak house, Doña Rosa. This place is - to this point - the dining highlight of the trip. Steaks (we all shared a mixed grill) came perfectly prepared on mini charcoal grills at the table. If that wasn't enough, the wine was fantastic and desert was amazing. This is one meal I will remember for a long time.

"Hands down, one of the best meals ever"
Photo by Kristin Thompson

On Saturday, everyone had a relaxing and chill final day in Haifa. I spent the majority of the day at the beach - taking in the sun, drinking iced coffees and smoothies, and generally doing nothing of value. In the evening, we ate the remains of the lamb from our schecting (see here). Some we cooked as steaks, the rest as an Irish stew. Altogether, it was delicious. Afterwords, we watched the World Cup runner-up match between Germany and Uruguay.

"Sunset on Karmel Beach in Haifa"
Photo by Stephen Kushner

Sunday morning we left Haifa for the last time. In many ways, it was sad to say goodbye. That being said, the remainder of the trip sounds great! Southern Israel, here we come.
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