More Affirmation

To those of us participating in this program - and for our many supporters back in the US - we each already know and understand the importance and relevance of Israel. The case for its economic value has been clearly made. However, as I've come to find, the rest of the world has often been slow to acknowledge this same truth. 

Nevertheless, earlier this past week Israel (as reported in the New York Times) received some important recognition.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a 31-country group often seen as an exclusive club of rich countries, voted unanimously on Monday to admit Israel. On Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a news conference to hail the acceptance as a “seal of approval,” saying it would “open doors and provide access to many fields” and increase foreign investment here ... Israel’s economy was close to collapse in the 1980s, but because of a series of difficult market-oriented changes it has grown into a technological powerhouse with an annual per capita gross domestic product not far from Germany’s.
We all know that - when it comes to the world economy - Israel matters. It's nice to know the global community is finally starting to recognize this fact as well.
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