Our meeting was facilitated by one the fund's primary managing partners, Hillel Milo. Like our previous speaker, Mr. Milo is about as experienced as one gets in the Israeli venture capital industry. He co-founded one of the earliest VC firms in Israel. Further, he has a wealth of other venture and industry experience. Hillel has quite a presence in a room. He was able to present non-stop for 45 minutes, with no notes - easily calling up data and information from his mind - while at the same time keeping us captivated. By the end of our meeting we all wished we'd had more time to pick his brain.
"The team meets with Hillel Milo of AquAgro"
Photo by Kristin Thompson
Photo by Kristin Thompson
Unlike the previous meeting we'd just attended, Hillel decided to focus specifically on a few of the current cleantech investments that AquAgro is engaged in right now. Further, Hillel gave us a great breakdown of the specific sectors that he believes constitute the cleantech market. Lastly, he gave us an overview of the primary criteria he (and his team) utilize when evaluating potential investments.
If our previous meeting had been about where Israel has been, our meeting with Hillel was about where Israel is going. For example, AquAgro is invested in a firm, Desalitech, which has invented a revolutionary method to create affordable and scalable water desalination. Another investment is in Evogene, a biotech firm that has created (and patented) over 400 novel genes to radically improve crop yields. One final company we discussed is Variable Wind, who has a technology that brings wind energy costs into parity with fossil fuels.
Altogether, our two meetings were both highly engaging and highly informative. Both were great introductions into the Israeli venture capital market. Further, each touched on both traditional and emerging investment spaces (e.g. cleantech). Next week, the team will be heading to Jerusalem to participate in a two day business conference focused on high tech.