The Electric Future

This past Wednesday we had an opportunity to attend a speech at the Technion by Mr. Shai Agassi, founder and CEO of Better Place. Before starting Better Place, Shai was previously the President of the Products and Technology Group at SAP AG. He resigned from this position in March 2007 to pursue interests in alternative energy and climate change - ultimately leading to his founding of Better Place. Per TED's online profile:
[Shai's] approach to solving the puzzle of electric automobiles could spark nothing short of an automotive revolution. Through his enthusiastic persistence, Agassi's startup Better Place has signed up some impressive partners - including Nissan-Renault and the countries of Israel and Denmark.
The topic and the content of Shai's address was very compelling. Additionally, since the Smith team will be visiting Shai's company, Better Place, later this summer, his speech was a perfect introduction prior to our visit. To give you a taste of what we heard, Shai gave a speech very similar to one he had given previously at TED, which I've posted below.

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